LIQUID and dry bulk CARGOes

RIKOTRANSGAS is a transport and logistics company that provides its clients with local and international bulk cargo delivery services.

We coordinate and handle liquid cargo transportation, which includes liquefied petroleum gas, oil derivatives – light petroleum products, heavy petroleum products, chemicals, etc.

RIKOTRANSGAS strictly observes all the requirements for the safe transport of liquid goods.

We also provide our clients with transportation services of dry bulk cargoes – items that are shipped loosely and unpackaged (minerals, agricultural products, grains, ores).

The extensive expertise of RIKOTRANSGAS professionals in this sector ensures that we will process the client's request as efficiently as possible.

Three reasons to work with us

We are committed to providing high quality services to our customers and maintaining our competitiveness with our operational excellence. Our values are to put our customers first, strive for best performance, and maintain a strong work culture.


It's all about you

We have built our business around your needs, wherever they are, whatever they may be.


The way we work

Operational excellence in our business processes helps us deliver high quality services to you on time, all the time while maintaining our competitiveness.


What we stand for

Our culture and service are defined by our global values. We put our customers first. We strive for best performance across our whole organization.

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Have any questions or want a free estimate? (381) 63 804 77 40

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Our Service Provided Areas Serbia, Europe, the CIS and Baltic countries